TEDxWrigleyville, winner of 6 Telly Awards for its 2020 TEDx production, will livestream its 2-part 2021 program to the public for free from Chicago’s Wrigley Field on Wednesday, August 25th and Thursday, August 26th from 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. CT.  The independently organized event, licensed by TED, will feature a variety of TED Talks, performances, and activations under the theme of “Humanity, The Repatriation.”

Cosette Nazon-Wilburn and her husband, Nicolaus David Wilburn’s, topic is on “The Marriage of Peace & Love”.  An African-Native American wellness coach started driving for Uber to model peace and demonstrate his belief that all humans can be each other’s medicine. While his wife, a humanitarian and the CEO of the LUV Institute utilizes public art and collective healing methods to mend the hearts of entire communities. The two works in tandem, as micro and macro should, to positively impact the world and inspiring us to do the same.


Join Cosette on August 25th for her TEDxWriglevilleDebut!
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